Whenever you hire individuals, be sure they are who they say they are and won’t be a risk to you or your company by doing a complete background check. You can assure the smoothness of checking when you work with a professional pre-employment background companies. Since every organization is unique, what one needs may not […]
County Criminal Searches for Employment Background Screening
When it comes to hiring and recruitment, it’s best to partner with a trusted employment screening company to ensure compliance with applicable privacy laws and most importantly, to have accurate reports. Criminal checks are common procedures in any background screening process. However, there are different types of criminal history records from different jurisdictions that […]
Background Checks on Social Media: Pros and Cons
Many people now have an online profile, so doing internet and social media searches as part of pre-employment screening may be enticing. This method, however, may be quite problematic, and while social media can be an effective tool for recruiting applicants, departments should avoid utilizing social media or other internet searches for the goal […]
A Practical Guide to Using Instant Criminal Background Checks for Employment Screening
For an HR manager or business owner, having written rules on pre employment criminal background check as part of the company’s standard operating procedures (SOP) on hiring and recruitment is a vital step towards maintaining safety and security in the workplace as well as avoiding risks of exposure to lawsuits due to negligent hiring. Criminal […]
PBSA Accreditation – Why It Matters for Certified Background Screening
When you’re looking for an employment screening company to help you evaluate potential employees before hiring them, it’s best to opt for one with Professional Background Screening Association (PBSA) accreditation. Don’t just look for a vendor that offers background screening “certification” or “certified” background check. What’s the difference between accreditation and certification? The industry-recognized PBSA […]