Most companies perform background checks on employees at the outset as part of the application / new hire process. A number of background check companies are now offering “continuous screening” or re-screening services as a risk management tool where background checks are performed on all employees annually or semi-annually. Continuous background checks are gaining popularity among employers. In theory, this will catch items that were missed during the new hire process as well as criminal events that have transpired since the employee was hired. This is viewed as a risk management tool to protect against employee theft, embezzlement, fraud, violence, etc.
Ban-the-Box Laws, What You Need to Know
Nationwide, each state has slowly been adopting the ban-the-box law to help ex-offenders find work. Ban-the-box or the “fair-chance policy” is a policy that requires employers to remove the conviction history question from their job applications. In some areas, it dictates when an employer can conduct a background check. The goal is to get employers to view all job applications equally, and schedule interviews based on qualifications alone in order to help convicts find work after prison.