Written by: Deb Erdley Pennsylvania state court officials are preparing a massive initiative that could pave the way for courts across the country to offer people convicted of minor offenses a fresh start outside the shadow of their past. In late June, Pennsylvania officials plan to begin running a computer program that will flag an […]
Learn from Lyft—How to Ward the Rising Number of Background Check Class Actions
Written by Fisher Phillips – Spencer Waldron Companies are increasingly faced with class actions for alleged violations of one of the “big three” —the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), or the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Although several thousand of these claims are filed each year, FCRA claims related to […]
Data driven background screening
Written by IT-ONLINE Digital transformation is changing the way people and industries engage. Access to information has become easily attainable and platforms have evolved to allow for remote services on-demand. What does this mean for the background screening industry? Should professional vetting companies utilize this online data because it is now easier to access, and […]
Background Checks: The Good, the Bad and the Liability
Written By Aviva Gordon We have all recently been privy to the most contentious job interview of our lifetimes. During Brett Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court confirmation hearings, senators noted that this would be the last job interview he would have, if confirmed. As the entire country was attentive to the accusations concerning an alleged high […]
Requesting a Background Check to Make an Employment Decision? Read This First.
Written By: Blank Rome LLP The Fair Credit Reporting Act (“FCRA”) provides federally-imposed limitations on all employers who seek information from a Consumer Reporting Agency about an applicant or employee for use in making an employment decision, such as a hiring or promotion. The FCRA contains specific notice, authorization, and reporting requirements related to obtaining […]